Pay Attention to Any Diabetes Obstacles

A diabetics should pay attention to their daily diet. For example, avoid white rice and replace it with brown rice or brown rice. Other than white rice, what foods are taboo against diabetes? For diabetics, choosing food intake is very important. Because, there are certain food groups that should be consumed, but there are also other food groups that should be avoided. The goal is for diabetics to have controlled blood sugar levels.

Diabetes Abstention to Look For

For diabetics, regulating food intake is a form of treatment that must be undertaken. Here is a list of good and bad foods to consume for diabetic patients.
  • Carbohydrate

  • The body needs carbohydrates as additional energy. But, avoid consuming carbohydrates in the form of white rice, white bread and french fries. Also avoid cereals that contain lots of sugar, but little fiber. Instead, choose brown rice, whole grain bread, or baked sweet potatoes.
  • Protein

  • The next taboo of diabetes is fried meat, poultry skin, fried fish, and fried tofu. Diabetics can get protein from skinless chicken breast meat, boiled meat, steamed or boiled tofu, grilled fish, eggs, and beans.
  • Milk products

  • Dairy products that are taboo against diabetes are full cream milk, ice cream, yogurt, and cheese. However, diabetics can still consume other dairy products, such as skim milk, low-fat yogurt, and low-fat cheese.
  • Drinks and fruits

  • Fruits contain fiber, vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates, but have low levels of fat and salt. Diabetics should avoid fruit-flavored beverage packaging, fruit juice drinks that have been mixed with sugar, and canned fruit that has been added to sugar syrup. Sugar added with fruit jam should also be avoided. Alternatively, choose fresh fruit, real fruit juice that doesn't add any sweetener, or jam that doesn't contain sugar. Diabetics should also avoid drinking sweet tea, coffee with sugar and cream, soft drinks, alcoholic drinks, and stamina enhancing drinks (energy drinks). In addition to water, diabetics can still consume tea without sugar, and coffee with low-fat milk and sugar substitutes.
  • Vegetables

  • Vegetables are a good source of fiber for health. However, avoid eating vegetables with sauce, cheese and butter. In addition, try to set aside canned vegetables that have been added a lot of salt from the daily menu. If salt consumption must be limited, avoid vegetables that have been used as pickles. Choose fresh vegetables. Can be eaten raw or processed by steaming briefly or roasting.

What If Diabetes Patients Still Eat Abstinence Foods?

If diabetics continue to eat foods that should be challenged, blood sugar can experience a spike. As a result, various complications can occur, such as an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and nerve damage. Cardiovascular diseases that can be suffered include heart attacks, strokes and narrowing of blood vessels. While nerve damage can cause symptoms of tingling at the tip of the toe, numbness, and even pain, which can spread to the upper limbs. This complication occurs because high sugar levels can injure the walls of the capillaries (small blood vessels) which serve to nourish nerve cells. If nerve damage occurs in the digestive tract, it can cause diarrhea and constipation. Erectile dysfunction can also occur in men due to nerve damage. Healthy food intake can help meet nutritional needs, while keeping your blood sugar levels stable. Therefore, if you suffer from diabetes, you should avoid the diabetic taboos mentioned above. You can also consult a nutritionist regarding food menu settings that suit your condition.


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